A-ware Studio Story

I started A-ware Studio as an entrepreneurial project to elevate my ceramic art practice to engage with different niches in the art and design world. My values are deeply rooted in materiality, organic design, and craft-based practices. These works aim to share an aesthetic experience that enhances daily joy and simple pleasures in our complicated world. I believe ceramics is an extension of nature and it serves to humanize our increasingly technological experience. It reminds us of our tangible selves and our relationship to nature. Ceramics is grounding and imperfect, fragile yet strong, and earthy yet elegant. I am so grateful to have such a rewarding career teaching and making ceramics objects, sculptures, and murals. It is such a privilege to share this work with the world.

My team and I are so excited about our next project for a private commission.


A-ware Studio Commissions


Generosity Helps to Launch Art Careers